
Reduce Kitchen Labor

Every professional foodservice operation encounters obstacles that can compromise profitability. One of the biggest hurdles is high overhead caused by…
Every professional foodservice operation encounters obstacles that can compromise profitability. One of the biggest hurdles is high overhead caused by…

Labor costs are among the most important to control in order to maintain a healthy bottom line. Those costs are always on the rise, and busy kitchens that produce high volumes of food can’t afford inefficiencies that prevent chefs, prep cooks and other staff from multitasking or maximizing their capabilities. Employees also can’t be overworked to the point where excessive turnover becomes an issue, given the considerable investment required to train new personnel.

Our commercial cooking equipment and professional washing systems help busy kitchens reallocate valuable labor from non-value-added processes to more critical tasks related to customer service and food quality.

Reduce Kitchen Labor

The functions of a skillet and a kettle in a single cooking solution that braises, roasts, boils, simmers, poaches, bain-maries, pan-fries, grills, sautés and steams.

Reduce Kitchen Labor

Offering faster, energy-saving cook times and direct steam in electric and gas configurations, this equipment makes it easy to improve quality, lower costs and reallocate labor.

Reduce Kitchen Labor

From advanced touchscreen controls to digital recording and labeling, CapKold cook/chill and sous-vide technology keeps you and your staff ahead of the curve every day and with every meal.

Reduce Kitchen Labor

Ideal for preparing several menu items including roasts, vegetables and rice, our cook tanks utilize the water bath method to slow-cook and process solid foods.

Reduce Kitchen Labor

This equipment eliminates labor-intensive “multiple passes” by removing virtually all soils and stains from silverware before it enters the dishwashing machine.

Reduce Kitchen Labor

These washing systems offer the most ergonomic, efficient method for dislodging debris and bacteria from produce and quickly thawing frozen proteins.

Reduce Kitchen Labor

These commercial kitchen hoods deliver maximum performance at reduced exhaust volume while ensuring better capture, containment and breakdown of grease.

Contact Us

We’re ready to partner with you to solve your commercial kitchen challenges so you can concentrate on what you do best - the food!