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Delicious (and Healthy) Soup Recipe for K-12 Kitchens

I can’t express how inspiring it’s been to see the incredible effort from school nutrition teams and to hear stories of them coming together even with the obstacles from proper social distancing.

That’s why I wanted to help with a quick and easy (and healthy) chicken, tomato, and squash recipe.

Finding something new to do for school lunch is a lot tougher than it seems. Plus, ideas are cheap – it’s putting it together and pulling it off that’s the tricky part.

It is no small hill to climb when so much is at stake. Finding ingredients that are “packable,” easy to prepare, cost-effective and meet guidelines is about as easy as getting an 8-year old to eat squash puree.

One good trend is kids are really starting to eat healthier. Not all the time, of course, but it’s a start. Unfortunately, we are really challenged with menu items that check all boxes.

Which brings us back to that chicken, tomato, and squash soup recipe.

With it being soup season, those meals can be prepared in minutes and with the help of a Groen steam jacketed kettle, you can make 20 gallons with one hand tied behind for back. (Almost how it seems school nutrition teams are forced to work right now anyway.) Soups are a low food-cost machine and can turn yesterday’s leftovers into tomorrow’s lunch.

Groen kettles let you cook more food, safely and with less labor than just about any other piece of food equipment. From the largest food manufacturers in the world to your K-12 kitchen, Groen kettles have been getting the job done for more than a century. And when it comes to soups, you’d swear Elvis is in the building, because kettles are the King of Soup Pots!

(Don’t have a kettle? Watch Chef Steve make this dish in a versatile Groen Braising Pan!)

So, without further ado, here’s a FANTASTIC, easy, and delicious soup:

Chicken, Tomato, and Squash Soup in a Groen Steam Jacketed Kettle

Serving Size: About 16-20 cups per gallon of soup. We’ll base this recipe on one gallon – just multiply for more, because this one is easy.


2 pounds – Pulled Chicken (diced for soup)

3 quarts – Chicken Broth (powdered or base)

3 pounds – Diced Yellow Onion

3 pounds – Diced Yellow Squash

1 pound – Diced Tomato

1 head – Chopped Parsley

1 teaspoon – White Pepper (or 2 teaspoons Black Pepper)

Salt based on school guidelines


  • In kettle, caramelize onions for just a few minutes
  • Add squash, salt, white paper to kettle for just a few minutes with no oils or fats
  • Add stock, chicken, tomato and bring to simmer
  • Add parsley and taste
  • That’s it!

Be sure to follow Electrolux Professional Group on social media and post a picture of your delicious batch of Chicken, Tomato and Squash soup to let us know how it was!

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