

Cooking food properly and storing it at correct temperatures is only part of what it takes to minimize or eliminate the potential for foodborne illness and put...
Cooking food properly and storing it at correct temperatures is only part of what it takes to minimize or eliminate the potential for foodborne illness and put...

Every commercial foodservice operation is aware that pots, pans and utensils must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Fruits, vegetables, proteins, seafood and produce must also be free of debris, bacteria, soil and other harmful contaminants. Handling these tasks manually in traditional 3-bay sinks isn’t sufficient to completely clean hard-to-reach areas, and it requires excessive energy and water consumption plus costly labor allocation.

Our Power Soak line of automated ware washing and produce washing equipment provides reliable cleaning of pots, pans, utensils and food for commercial kitchens of every size and scope.


These washing systems offer the most ergonomic, efficient method for dislodging debris and bacteria from produce and quickly thawing frozen proteins.


Our patented parallel wash flow takes advantage of the natural scouring properties of turbulent water, heat and detergent to maximize cleaning power.


This equipment eliminates labor-intensive “multiple passes” by removing virtually all soils and stains from silverware before it enters the dishwashing machine.


A rotating carousel allows rotisserie skewers to snap in and out, making it easy to load and unload the system before and after each wash cycle.

Contact Us

We’re ready to partner with you to solve your commercial kitchen challenges so you can concentrate on what you do best - the food!