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Ready, Set, Braise!

Greetings! I’m corporate chef Steve D’Angelo and here is what’s new, what’s hot and what works when it comes to braising pans.

This adaptable pan has been used for nearly 100 years for searing and braising, pan frying, sautéing, stir frying, steaming, poaching, making stocks and sauces – the list goes on.

Braising Pans, or tilt-skillets as they are sometimes called, come in a wide variety of sizes – from large 30- and 40-gallon pans, to the nimbler 15-gallon pan. Groen’s 15-gallon pan features a smaller footprint and unique shape which allows for greater versatility and increased operating space because it can fit in tighter spaces than more standard size models. Strong and sturdy by design, the single trunnion bar of the braising pan gives you center tilt ability for a small pour path, and the spring-assisted lid stays where you position it. The high-wall, rounded corners and draw-off valve provides you with more options and flexibility of use.

When selecting a braising pan, the most important features to consider are even, controlled heating and a strong, durable design. If a braising pan can’t heat evenly from front to back and side to side, how can it consistently cook the product inside? You would think all braising pans should meet this standard, but not all of them perform the same way because not all of them are built the same way.

Groen in particular engineers its braising pans with a heat delivery method for gas and electric braising pans that quickly heats the cooking surface to 350 degrees in just 4 minutes. The braising pan’s precision thermostat also gives the user even greater control over the cooking environment. When I’m preparing lamb shanks, short ribs or ox tails, I know that once they’re placed in the braising pan, I can leave them alone and focus on the next task at hand.

With the addition of Groen’s Classic and Advanced Electronic Controls, you can achieve even greater precision and cooking accuracy. Offering an extremely tight band of temperature, easy-to-use interface and IPX6 water-wash down rating, these controls provide chefs with the kinds of features that make them really happy, because it makes their jobs so much easier.

High grade steel and quality workmanship are standard in every Groen product. When you experience this level of cooking control, you can really begin to see how much more you can accomplish in terms of quality and quantity. While there are benefits as a chef, the thing that matters most is the track record. IT WORKS! No matter the application, whether K-12, retail, or chain restaurants, Groen’s family of braising pans have a place and a purpose!

Chef Steve
Electrolux Professional Group Corporate Chef
[email protected]



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