
Increase Throughput

The viability of any high-volume commercial foodservice business depends on the kitchen’s ability to move meals from initial preparation to final service...
The viability of any high-volume commercial foodservice business depends on the kitchen’s ability to move meals from initial preparation to final service...

Whether it’s a restaurant, school cafeteria, hospitality operation or healthcare facility, throughput is key. From cleaning and cooking to refrigeration and meal delivery, any process inefficiencies or underperforming equipment can slow down the entire operation and reduce the amount of food a commercial kitchen can produce on a given day. When demand is high but throughput is low, the bottom line suffers significantly.

Our cooking equipment and refrigeration systems are designed to automate and expedite as many processes as possible to keep things moving quickly in a busy kitchen.

Increase Throughput

The functions of a skillet and a kettle in a single cooking solution that braises, roasts, boils, simmers, poaches, bain-maries, pan-fries, grills, sautés and steams.

Increase Throughput

Groen’s innovative design utilizes atmospheric steam generators and powerful internal convection fans to increase steam velocity for faster cook times and improved uniformity.

Increase Throughput

These washing systems offer the most ergonomic, efficient method for dislodging debris and bacteria from produce and quickly thawing frozen proteins.

Contact Us

We’re ready to partner with you to solve your commercial kitchen challenges so you can concentrate on what you do best - the food!